2004-09-03, 9:55 a.m.
WAH WAH i want something for free!!!

WAHWAWHWAH your sales person said this, im a royal bitch and im always right cause im the customer!!!

Whats this all about you ask?

LEMME tell ya! This asshat of a customer that I was with a few months ago just typed up a written complaint against me. Putting words in my mouth that EVERYONE that I work with know i don't behave like. A cool so-worker said, "eh shes just trying to get shit for free!"

I believe it. This woman did not want to listen to reason out on the lot. "why are the '04s the same price as the '05s?" she asked. I responded, "well, federal law does not allow us to change the window label, we do have discounts and rebates." What she wrote I said was, "the '05s are $100 more and there are NO rebates, do I have to repeat myself?!?!?!"

anyways, my boss said, I don't want everyone knowing about this. I said I do, because everyone knows I don't treat customers like this!

on the positive side of my life, the CT plate "ass-man" is not taken. I think I will grab that one!