furthur explaination
2004-09-02, 10:06 a.m.
YAY... or something.

Im here on the 2nd of the new month at the dealership. dead as hell. the only one here. I WANNA GO F'N home!!

So I figure I will not bore you more than me!

Ok just saw something weird. I just got contac lenses after 3 years of NOT having them. I still see an old ghost outline of my old glasses. weirdness.

On to more important business, History of me... and when I am done talking about me, ill talk about me! And than (dude wheres my car)

MMMM hot chick walked past....

anyways. some of you may be wondering, "is his shift key broken?" and "why does NASCAR SUCK"? answers will come in due time young jedi...




I tend to not use the shift key randomly just to annoy...

NASCAR sucks because its not racing anymore. Its drama entertainment. Its rolling bilboards built onto cars that have NOTHING to do with the real ones they represent behind the headlight stickers. and MOST importantly, they DRIVE AROUND IN A FRIGGIN CIRCLE FOR 2-3 HOURS!!!!@#$%#^#$!!! my god america (or W if you CAN read, AMUURRECA) wake up!!!